How to calculate ARPU, ARPPU, ARPDAU and more

This calculation includes all the users that have downloaded and actively used the app. Both telecoms and media companies analyze their internal numbers to identify the demographic groups that are of greatest value to them. If Gen X consumers or families with children appear to be their most valuable customers, in terms of their contribution to ARPU, that’s the group that the company will target for growth. A post on Profitwell, a publication for software-as-a-service businesses, argues that those who think so aren’t using it correctly. ARPU can be analyzed for insights into customers’ responses to the company’s various price points and premium offerings.

  1. The metric will demonstrate this achievement if these teams reach their targets and the targeted segments in your business plan.
  2. But sort of embedded in your Q4 guide, is it sort of continued mix pressure, is that something that we should kind of expect in kind of the shorter term?
  3. ARPPU can inform decision-making by helping you understand which channels, networks, campaigns, and even creatives attract the most valuable customers.
  4. It also allows you to keep track of your annual growth progress and determine which premium offers stimulate revenue the most.

ARPU measures the revenue of the company per unit over a specific period. Average Revenue Per User is an extremely crucial customer success metric. High ARPU customers contribute hugely to the MRR and are valuable for the company.

Letting users pick their features on their own usually increases the amount of money they leave. Yeah, that’s another message I want to make sure that we reiterate, and are super clear, like the EB funnel is just incredibly robust, it’s never been stronger. The team there is really driving diversification expansion, and really increasing the quality.

Now, how that all that math comes together quarter in, quarter out, I think that’s going to look different, and it’s going to flex as we make those decisions. And what we’ve got to make sure that we lay out for you guys is that it is a balanced and disciplined approach, and that the diversity that we are driving is a healthy one for Gen. For Q4, we expect non-GAAP revenue arppu formula in the range of $960 million to $970 million. We expect Q4 non-GAAP EPS to be in the range of $0.52 to $0.54. This translates to fiscal year 2024 non-GAAP revenue in the range of $3.805 billion to $3.815 billion and non-GAAP EPS to be in the range of $1.95 to $1.97. Definitely, a few key deals slipped into fiscal year ’25, and we did not put them into our Q4 forecast.

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In most cases, increasing ARPPU and lifetime value (LTV) goes in pairs. Increasing average revenue from the user tends to increase the value you capture from the user, but it’s not always the case. Let’s kickstart the topic by looking at how ARPPU differs from the average revenue per user (ARPU). Although the difference might seem obvious initially, you’d be surprised how often these terms get mixed up. Natalie, maybe for you, so the pipeline in the employee benefits and sort of the partner — that partner business sounds great. Just given some of the deal dynamics that didn’t necessarily benefit here in Q3, and what we are now assuming in Q4, I was just wondering if you could put a finer point on what the revenue impact was here in Q3.

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On a trended basis, the analyst is able to see that this company is driving revenue creation – the company is acquiring more users while also generating higher revenue per user year-over-year. The analyst concludes that it may be an attractive company and decides to conduct further analysis. To measure the revenue-generating capabilities on a per-customer level of the company, a research analyst decides to measure the company’s average revenue per unit on a trended basis from Year 1 to Year 3.

New Accounts or Users vs. Existing Accounts or Users

Targeting the SMB market is a good place for a growing SaaS company to start, and there are opportunities here to monetize your customers even if providing a high-cost solution won’t work for your company. ARPU is the trend identifier metric that allows you to really get to know your customers. The more ARPU you can generate, the better your SaaS business is doing.

What questions do ARPU and ARPPU metrics answer?

The objective is to count only those users that are “active” on the platform. ARPU answers a clear question and has a transparent and practical meaning. It is suited for understanding how you monetize your active audience, what happens to monetization over long periods of time, and how the purchasing power of different user segments differs. In Facebook’s report, ARPU is not calculated in a standard way. They divide the quarter’s income by the average MAU to calculate ARPU. But given Facebook’s Retention, we can assume that the average MAU for the quarter is not much different from the total active users for the quarter.

Due to this reason, companies tend to prefer to calculate the average number of accounts for a given period. When evaluating customer acquisition channels, you should use lifetime value as the ultimate indicator of whether a customer acquisition channel is profitable or not. Lifetime value measures the average and estimated value of a customer for their entire period of doing business with you. At LawnStarter, we expect people to get their lawns cut at least once per month, so we measure it on a monthly basis.

So, we did not improve as much as we had in our brand, if you want. But we feel really good, and I think as we continue to progress quarter-on-quarter, now, it may not be exactly linear, but feel very good that we will get to our 80%, Hamza. So, let me address both and they combine, obviously, in the dynamic. Definitely, the ARPU is still growing year-over-year, but it’s sequentially down, it’s driven by mix. We didn’t see any anything outside of the normal business dynamic that we had seen in prior quarters.

For example, let’s say you generated $500 in revenue last month and had 1,000 active users. The time period you measure should be based on how often people use your app. The most common time period when calculating Average Revenue Per User for a mobile app is monthly, especially with a monthly subscription app.

On the other hand, higher prices mean higher ARPPU, but you need to have a thorough understanding of your pricing in correlation with your customers’ purchasing power. Moreover, this metric is important for you to validate the performance of your marketing and sales teams. The metric will demonstrate this achievement if these teams reach their targets and the targeted segments in your business plan. ARPU includes all users who have installed and used the app.

For this reason, ARPU is one of the most important mobile game KPIs. Measure the average revenue generated by each of your users. If you do raise your prices it’s important to do it transparently and explain what extra services you are offering to justify the price change. This is a good way to see if there are premium features that users would be willing to pay for. You can also incentivize occasional paying users and try and turn them into whales by inviting them to be brand ambassadors/influencers, or simply offer perks and discounts. For a gaming app you could incentivize these players by inviting them to join a tournament.