Founded in Sfântu Gheorghe/Sepsiszentgyörgy 10 years ago, the primary target of sZempöl is to maintain the free flow of tones and energies by approaching music as something beyond a medium in itself, the band refusing to highlight on the commonly agreed technical and/or formal solutions. Two of the ruling musical elements are theatricality and playfulness. In this music there are no identical sounds whatsoever, and the band members are strolling among the musical styles, the sole binding element being the content from behind the music. 

The concerts are boosted with the sort of drunken elation that makes even the most stubborn public stand up and start dancing – the band plays a music that is capable to build interpersonal bridges and to offer unforgettable experiences. By using live projection and mapping techniques, the two VJs turn the concerts into real audiovisual events, rightfully regarded as unique in Transylvania. 

Starting from the grounds of electric music, the sZempöl, actually, mixes madness. The band promotes the balcano-theatro-disco style – as they say, their motto being “Once you come to our concerts, you must be equally serious about everything and nothing!”