Ákos Kovács, pop-rock singer-songwriter, holder of the Kossuth Prize, is one of the most defining performers of the Hungarian music. The former vocalist, poet and composer of the Bonanza Banzai went on single and gained increasing popularity since the ’90s, at present being known for his especially rich repertoire, a private recording studio and a record house. Apart from his singing skills, Ákos plays the acoustic, electric and bass guitars, also mastering the synthesizer and playing the drums. The public has the opportunity to follow his individual concerts, the memorable productions being included into several festivals in Hungary and Transylvania. 

Singer, poet and composer, Ákos does many other things, such as writing poems and being the author of five volumes so far, as well as directing his own videos. During the Tv campaign on the importance of reading entitled “The Big Book”, the artist plays in a Tv-film, but he also cooperates with theatres and appears at literary events, as well. 

Today, the name of Ákos means certified quality Hungarian music, and his concerts never fail to become the promise of a smashing party come true. Therefore, the interest for his productions is fully understandable. The public of the Hungarian Cultural Days Cluj/Kolozsvár has already had the pleasure of seeing him on the stage of the Central Square (2016).