Once with the founding of the band in 1972, a new colourful spot appeared in the Hungarian acoustic folk music. Bojtorján is the first band to merge the country and the folk music with the classical sound that makes it so persistently unique. The album issued in 1981 and entitled Csavargódal (Rambler’s Song) was sold in 100.000 copies in just a few weeks after its appearance. The lyrics are based on simple daily matters, about the feeling and the need to belong somewhere. Occasioned by various social events, the well-known tracks are sung not only by the fans in Hungary but also by the ones living in the Hungarian communities outside of the borders of Hungary – the most liked song being maybe the one entitled Összetartozunk (We Belong Together), which has gained a special significance, especially among the Hungarian ethnics.

In 2017, János Áder, the president of Hungary awarded the members of the band the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary. The uniqueness of the band’s music lies in the realistic projection of the social micro-habitat, namely the family itself – this approach being one of the reasons for which the ranking of the band within the professional musical community has remained firm and unchanged. The members of the legendary band are: Zoltán Barna, László Buchwarth, Győző Kemény, Zoltán Pomázi and Andor Vörös.